Diabetes Core Update is a monthly podcast that presents and discusses the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s four science and medical journals – Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum. Each episode is approximately 25 minutes long and presents 5-6 recently published articles from ADA journals.
Intended for practicing physicians and health care professionals, Diabetes Core Update discusses how the latest research and information published in journals of the American Diabetes Association are relevant to clinical practice and can be applied in a treatment setting.
This issue will review:
1. Efficacy of Dapagliflozin by Baseline Diabetes Medications: A Prespecified Analysis From the DAPA-CKD Study
2. An Examination of Whether Diabetes Control and Treatments Are Associated With Change in Frailty Index Across 8 Years
3. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. =Semaglutide improves cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with overweight or obesity
4. Glucagon Prescribing and Costs Among U.S. Adults With Diabetes, 2011–2021
5. Two-Year Follow-up From the T1GER Study: Continued Off-Therapy Metabolic Improvements in Children and Young Adults With New-Onset T1D Treated With Golimumab and Characterization of Responders
6. Youth-onset type 2 diabetes: the epidemiology of an awakening epidemic
For more information about each of ADA’s science and medical journals, please visit www.diabetesjournals.org.
Presented by:
Neil Skolnik, M.D., Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Abington Jefferson Health
John J. Russell, M.D., Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Chair-Department of Family Medicine, Abington Jefferson Health
…. more: Diabetes Journals (ADA) (Quelle/Source)